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entryField - Variable in class com.coswald.jtalker.gui.TextEntryPanel
The text entry field of the panel.
ESCAPE_TEXT - Static variable in class com.coswald.jtalker.gui.ANSIColorConstants
The escape character.
ESCAPE_TEXT_END - Static variable in class com.coswald.jtalker.gui.ANSIColorConstants
The end of the escape sequence.
EXIT_MESSAGE - Static variable in class com.coswald.jtalker.net.ServerClientConstants
Describes the exit command sent from the TCPClient to the TCPServer.
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getActiveClients() - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.net.TCPServer
Returns the amount of active clients connected to the server.
getHost() - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.net.TCPClient
Returns the host we want to or are already connected to.
getID() - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.net.TCPClient
Returns the unique identifier we will or are using on the host.
getID() - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.net.TCPClientInstance
Returns the unique identifier of the client instance.
getPort() - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.net.TCPClient
Returns the port number our socket will or has binded to.
getPort() - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.net.TCPServer
Returns the port number our server will or has binded to.
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