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main(String[]) - Static method in class com.coswald.jtalker.JTalker
The main method for the application.
main(String...) - Static method in class com.coswald.jtalker.net.test.ClientTest
Starts the test.
main(String...) - Static method in class com.coswald.jtalker.net.test.ServerTest
Starts a server on port 5000.
MAX_CLIENTS - Static variable in class com.coswald.jtalker.net.ServerClientConstants
Determines the maximum amount of clients a server can have.
MAX_COLOR_SYSTEM - Static variable in class com.coswald.jtalker.gui.GUIConstants
The maximum number a coloring system can be (4).
MAX_PORT_NUMBER - Static variable in class com.coswald.jtalker.net.ServerClientConstants
Shows the maximum port number for a JTalker application.
MIN_COLOR_SYSTEM - Static variable in class com.coswald.jtalker.gui.GUIConstants
The minimum number a coloring system can be (1).
MIN_PORT_NUMBER - Static variable in class com.coswald.jtalker.net.ServerClientConstants
Shows the minimum port number for a JTalker application.
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.gui.CanvasPanel.CurveCreator
Invoked when the mouse button has been clicked (pressed and released) on a component.
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.gui.CanvasPanel.CurveCreator
Invoked when a mouse button is pressed on a component and then dragged.
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.gui.CanvasPanel.CurveCreator
Invoked when the mouse enters a component.
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.gui.CanvasPanel.CurveCreator
Invoked when the mouse exits a component.
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.gui.CanvasPanel.CurveCreator
Invoked when the mouse button has been moved on a component (with no buttons no down).
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.gui.CanvasPanel.CurveCreator
Invoked when a mouse button has been pressed on a component.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.gui.CanvasPanel.CurveCreator
Invoked when a mouse button has been released on a component.
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write(byte[]) - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.net.ServerOutputStream
Writes b.length bytes to the output streams.
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.net.ServerOutputStream
Writes len bytes from the specified byte array starting at offset off to the output streams.
write(int) - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.net.ServerOutputStream
Writes the specified byte to the output streams.
writeBoolean(boolean) - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.net.ServerOutputStream
Writes a boolean value to the output streams.
writeByte(int) - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.net.ServerOutputStream
Writes to the output streams the eight low-order bits of the argument v.
writeBytes(String) - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.net.ServerOutputStream
Writes a String to the output streams.
writeChar(int) - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.net.ServerOutputStream
Writes a char value, which is comprised of two bytes, to the output streams.
writeChars(String) - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.net.ServerOutputStream
Writes every character in the string s, to the output streams, in order, two bytes per character.
writeDouble(double) - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.net.ServerOutputStream
Writes a double value, which is comprised of eight bytes, to the output streams.
writeFloat(float) - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.net.ServerOutputStream
Writes a float value, which is comprised of four bytes, to the output streams.
writeInt(int) - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.net.ServerOutputStream
Writes an int value, which is comprised of four bytes, to the output streams.
writeLong(long) - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.net.ServerOutputStream
Writes a long value, which is comprised of eight bytes, to the output streams.
writeShort(int) - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.net.ServerOutputStream
Writes a short value, which is comprised of two bytes, to the output streams.
writeUTF(String) - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.net.ServerOutputStream
Writes two bytes of length information to the output streams, followed by the modified UTF-8 representation of every character in the string s.
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