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BACKGROUND_RESET - Static variable in class com.coswald.jtalker.gui.ANSIColorConstants
The reset color dictated by ANSI code 0 (this dictates the background) It is currently set to RGB values (16, 16, 16).
BRIGHT_BLACK - Static variable in class com.coswald.jtalker.gui.ANSIColorConstants
The bright black color that is described by ANSI code 1;30 (or 1;40 for backgrounds).
BRIGHT_BLUE - Static variable in class com.coswald.jtalker.gui.ANSIColorConstants
The bright blue color that is described by ANSI code 1;34 (or 1;44 for backgrounds).
BRIGHT_CYAN - Static variable in class com.coswald.jtalker.gui.ANSIColorConstants
The bright cyan color that is described by ANSI code 1;36 (or 1;46 for backgrounds).
BRIGHT_GREEN - Static variable in class com.coswald.jtalker.gui.ANSIColorConstants
The bright green color that is described by ANSI code 1;32 (or 1;42 for backgrounds).
BRIGHT_MAGENTA - Static variable in class com.coswald.jtalker.gui.ANSIColorConstants
The bright magenta color that is described by ANSI code 1;35 (or 1;45 for backgrounds).
BRIGHT_RED - Static variable in class com.coswald.jtalker.gui.ANSIColorConstants
The bright red color that is described by ANSI code 1;31 (or 1;41 for backgrounds).
BRIGHT_WHITE - Static variable in class com.coswald.jtalker.gui.ANSIColorConstants
The bright white color that is described by ANSI code 1;37 (or 1;47 for backgrounds).
BRIGHT_YELLOW - Static variable in class com.coswald.jtalker.gui.ANSIColorConstants
The bright yellow color that is described by ANSI code 1;33 (or 1;43 for backgrounds).
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ClientTest - Class in com.coswald.jtalker.net.test
Tests TCPClient.
close() - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.net.ServerOutputStream
Closes all of the output streams within the output stream list.
close() - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.net.TCPClient
Closes all of the associated streams and sockets associated with a client.
close() - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.net.TCPClientInstance
Removes the DataOutputStream associated with this instance from the ServerOutputStream, writes a goodbye message to the ServerOUtputStream, closes the socket and the socket input.
close() - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.net.TCPServer
Shuts down the threadpool associated with the clients, the server output stream, as well as the server socket.
com.coswald.jtalker - package com.coswald.jtalker
A server/client chat application in Java.
com.coswald.jtalker.net - package com.coswald.jtalker.net
Utilizes java socket programming for use with the JTalker application.
com.coswald.jtalker.net.test - package com.coswald.jtalker.net.test
Tests the net package.
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