Class ANSIColorConstants

  • public final class ANSIColorConstants
    extends Object

    A set of descriptions for specific color constants within the ANSI standard. This is a transcription class that allows for Java to understand ANSI color code. For specific values, we use the standards defined within the Windows console version of the ANSI color codes (because it is fairly algorithmic and understandable). This class also provides a method for allowing the transcription of an escape string to a Java Color via the getANSIColor method.

    We only allow two types of ANSI color codes: dark colors and bold dark colors (i. e. 30 - 37, 40 - 47 and 1;30 - 1:37, 1;40 - 1;47). We did not feel it was necessary or worth our time to include the whole standard; this is subject to change.

    JTalker 0.1.5
    C. William Oswald
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static Color BACKGROUND_RESET
      The reset color dictated by ANSI code 0 (this dictates the background) It is currently set to RGB values (16, 16, 16).
      static Color BRIGHT_BLACK
      The bright black color that is described by ANSI code 1;30 (or 1;40 for backgrounds).
      static Color BRIGHT_BLUE
      The bright blue color that is described by ANSI code 1;34 (or 1;44 for backgrounds).
      static Color BRIGHT_CYAN
      The bright cyan color that is described by ANSI code 1;36 (or 1;46 for backgrounds).
      static Color BRIGHT_GREEN
      The bright green color that is described by ANSI code 1;32 (or 1;42 for backgrounds).
      static Color BRIGHT_MAGENTA
      The bright magenta color that is described by ANSI code 1;35 (or 1;45 for backgrounds).
      static Color BRIGHT_RED
      The bright red color that is described by ANSI code 1;31 (or 1;41 for backgrounds).
      static Color BRIGHT_WHITE
      The bright white color that is described by ANSI code 1;37 (or 1;47 for backgrounds).
      static Color BRIGHT_YELLOW
      The bright yellow color that is described by ANSI code 1;33 (or 1;43 for backgrounds).
      static Color COLOR_RESET
      The reset color dictated by ANSI code 0 (this dictates the foreground).
      static Color DARK_BLACK
      The dark black color that is described by ANSI code 30 (or 40 for backgrounds).
      static Color DARK_BLUE
      The dark blue color that is described by ANSI code 34 (or 44 for backgrounds).
      static Color DARK_CYAN
      The dark cyan color that is described by ANSI code 36 (or 46 for backgrounds).
      static Color DARK_GREEN
      The dark green color that is described by ANSI code 32 (or 42 for backgrounds).
      static Color DARK_MAGENTA
      The dark magenta color that is described by ANSI code 35 (or 45 for backgrounds).
      static Color DARK_RED
      The dark red color that is described by ANSI code 31 (or 41 for backgrounds).
      static Color DARK_WHITE
      The dark white color that is described by ANSI code 37 (or 47 for backgrounds).
      static Color DARK_YELLOW
      The dark yellow color that is described by ANSI code 33 (or 33 for backgrounds).
      static String ESCAPE_TEXT
      The escape character.
      static String ESCAPE_TEXT_END
      The end of the escape sequence.
    • Field Detail

      • DARK_BLACK

        public static final Color DARK_BLACK
        The dark black color that is described by ANSI code 30 (or 40 for backgrounds). This has the RGB value of (0, 0, 0).
      • DARK_RED

        public static final Color DARK_RED
        The dark red color that is described by ANSI code 31 (or 41 for backgrounds). This has the RGB value of (128, 0, 0).
      • DARK_GREEN

        public static final Color DARK_GREEN
        The dark green color that is described by ANSI code 32 (or 42 for backgrounds). This has the RGB value of (0, 128, 0).

        public static final Color DARK_YELLOW
        The dark yellow color that is described by ANSI code 33 (or 33 for backgrounds). This has the RGB value of (128, 128, 0).
      • DARK_BLUE

        public static final Color DARK_BLUE
        The dark blue color that is described by ANSI code 34 (or 44 for backgrounds). This has the RGB value of (0, 0, 128).

        public static final Color DARK_MAGENTA
        The dark magenta color that is described by ANSI code 35 (or 45 for backgrounds). This has the RGB value of (128, 0, 128).
      • DARK_CYAN

        public static final Color DARK_CYAN
        The dark cyan color that is described by ANSI code 36 (or 46 for backgrounds). This has the RGB value of (0, 128, 128).
      • DARK_WHITE

        public static final Color DARK_WHITE
        The dark white color that is described by ANSI code 37 (or 47 for backgrounds). This has the RGB value of (192, 192, 192).

        public static final Color BRIGHT_BLACK
        The bright black color that is described by ANSI code 1;30 (or 1;40 for backgrounds). This has the RGB value of (128, 128, 128).
      • BRIGHT_RED

        public static final Color BRIGHT_RED
        The bright red color that is described by ANSI code 1;31 (or 1;41 for backgrounds). This has the RGB value of (255, 0, 0).

        public static final Color BRIGHT_GREEN
        The bright green color that is described by ANSI code 1;32 (or 1;42 for backgrounds). This has the RGB value of (0, 255, 0).

        public static final Color BRIGHT_YELLOW
        The bright yellow color that is described by ANSI code 1;33 (or 1;43 for backgrounds). This has the RGB value of (255, 255, 0).

        public static final Color BRIGHT_BLUE
        The bright blue color that is described by ANSI code 1;34 (or 1;44 for backgrounds). This has the RGB value of (0, 0, 255).

        public static final Color BRIGHT_MAGENTA
        The bright magenta color that is described by ANSI code 1;35 (or 1;45 for backgrounds). This has the RGB value of (255, 0, 255).

        public static final Color BRIGHT_CYAN
        The bright cyan color that is described by ANSI code 1;36 (or 1;46 for backgrounds). This has the RGB value of (0, 255, 255).

        public static final Color BRIGHT_WHITE
        The bright white color that is described by ANSI code 1;37 (or 1;47 for backgrounds). This has the RGB value of (255, 255, 255).

        public static final Color COLOR_RESET
        The reset color dictated by ANSI code 0 (this dictates the foreground). It is currently set to RGB values (255, 255, 255).

        public static final Color BACKGROUND_RESET
        The reset color dictated by ANSI code 0 (this dictates the background) It is currently set to RGB values (16, 16, 16).

        public static final String ESCAPE_TEXT
        The escape character. This character is present before each escape sequence and ensures that we can understand the ANSI code after it.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String ESCAPE_TEXT_END
        The end of the escape sequence. This is also known as "m".
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • isEscape

        public static boolean isEscape​(String test)
        Tests whether the given string is an escape sequence that we recognize.
        test - The string to test.
        true if it is an escape sequence we know, false otherwise.
      • getANSIColor

        public static Color getANSIColor​(String ansiColor)
        Transforms a character code as a string into an actual Color. This is done by exact comparison: the parameter given must only be the escape code. By default, white will be returned.
        ansiColor - The color code.
        A color represented by the given ANSI color code.
      • isBackgroundEscape

        public static boolean isBackgroundEscape​(String ansiColor)
        Determines whether a given escape code is a background color escape code. This is done by exact comparison: the parameter given must only be the escape code. If no ANSI escape code is given as a parameter, then false is returned.
        ansiColor - The color code.
        Whether a given color code is a background code.
      • isReset

        public static boolean isReset​(String ansiColor)
        Determines whether a given escape code is the reset escape code. This is done by exact comparison: the parameter given must only the the escape code. If a given string is not an ANSI escape code, this method will return false
        ansiColor - The color code.
        Whether a given code is the escape code.
        See Also: