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saveCanvas() - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.gui.JTalkerMenuBar
Saves the canvas as a PNG.
saveChat() - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.gui.JTalkerMenuBar
Saves the chat to a file specified by the user.
selectColoredTextPane() - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.gui.JTalkerMenuBar
Select all of the colored text pane's text.
SEND_BUTTON_HEIGHT - Static variable in class com.coswald.jtalker.gui.GUIConstants
The height of the send button in the JTalker application.
SEND_BUTTON_WIDTH - Static variable in class com.coswald.jtalker.gui.GUIConstants
The width of the send button in the JTalker application.
sendButton - Variable in class com.coswald.jtalker.gui.TextEntryPanel
The send buttong of the panel.
sendText(String) - Method in interface com.coswald.jtalker.gui.TextPipe
Sends the given text along the pipe.
ServerClientConstants - Class in com.coswald.jtalker.net
A set of descriptions for specific constants within a JTalker application.
ServerOutputStream - Class in com.coswald.jtalker.net
A data output stream that lets a TCPServer treat multiple DataOutputStreams as one stream.
ServerOutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class com.coswald.jtalker.net.ServerOutputStream
Creates a ServerOutputStream with the original output stream and no others.
ServerTest - Class in com.coswald.jtalker.net.test
Tests TCPServer.
setColor(Color) - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.gui.CanvasPanel
Sets the color to draw with.
setColor(Color) - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.gui.ColorChooserPanel
Sets the Color of the underlying JColorChooser.
setColor(Color) - Method in interface com.coswald.jtalker.gui.Colorizer
Changes the color to the given color.
setColorMode(boolean) - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.gui.ColoredTextPane
Sets the new color mode.
setHost(String) - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.net.TCPClient
Sets the host we want to or are already connected to.
setID(String) - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.net.TCPClient
Sets the unique identifier we will or are using on the host.
setPort(int) - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.net.TCPClient
Sets the port number our socket will or has binded to.
setPort(int) - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.net.TCPServer
Sets the port number our server will or has binded to.
setText(String) - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.gui.ColoredTextPane
Sets the text of this ColoredTextPane, which is expected to be in the format of the content type of this editor.
SHORTCUTS - Static variable in class com.coswald.jtalker.gui.JTalkerMenuBar
A map between the name of a menu item and the keystroke that activates it.
size() - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.net.ServerOutputStream
Returns the current value of the written counter for each active DataOutputStream.
socket - Variable in class com.coswald.jtalker.net.TCPClientInstance
The socket used for data I/O.
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.gui.ColorChooserPanel.ColorUpdater
Updates the given colorizer to the given color.
STROKE_SIZE - Static variable in class com.coswald.jtalker.gui.GUIConstants
The size of the stroke on the CanvasPanel.
systemCopy() - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.gui.JTalkerMenuBar
A Java wrapper method for the system's "Copy" action.
systemCut() - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.gui.JTalkerMenuBar
A Java wrapper method for the system's "Cut" action.
systemPaste() - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.gui.JTalkerMenuBar
A Java wrapper method for the system's "Paste" action.
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