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DARK_BLACK - Static variable in class com.coswald.jtalker.gui.ANSIColorConstants
The dark black color that is described by ANSI code 30 (or 40 for backgrounds).
DARK_BLUE - Static variable in class com.coswald.jtalker.gui.ANSIColorConstants
The dark blue color that is described by ANSI code 34 (or 44 for backgrounds).
DARK_CYAN - Static variable in class com.coswald.jtalker.gui.ANSIColorConstants
The dark cyan color that is described by ANSI code 36 (or 46 for backgrounds).
DARK_GREEN - Static variable in class com.coswald.jtalker.gui.ANSIColorConstants
The dark green color that is described by ANSI code 32 (or 42 for backgrounds).
DARK_MAGENTA - Static variable in class com.coswald.jtalker.gui.ANSIColorConstants
The dark magenta color that is described by ANSI code 35 (or 45 for backgrounds).
DARK_RED - Static variable in class com.coswald.jtalker.gui.ANSIColorConstants
The dark red color that is described by ANSI code 31 (or 41 for backgrounds).
DARK_WHITE - Static variable in class com.coswald.jtalker.gui.ANSIColorConstants
The dark white color that is described by ANSI code 37 (or 47 for backgrounds).
DARK_YELLOW - Static variable in class com.coswald.jtalker.gui.ANSIColorConstants
The dark yellow color that is described by ANSI code 33 (or 33 for backgrounds).
DEFAULT_FONT - Static variable in class com.coswald.jtalker.gui.GUIConstants
The default font used by the JTalker application.
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flush() - Method in class com.coswald.jtalker.net.ServerOutputStream
Flushes this output stream.
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