Class JTalkerFrame

    • Field Detail

      • initializableComponents

        protected List<Initializable> initializableComponents
        A list of every component within the frame that can be initialized. No initial components are added until construction, and the list is not initialized until construction as well.
    • Constructor Detail

      • JTalkerFrame

        public JTalkerFrame​(ColoredTextPane coloredText,
                            TextEntryPanel textEntry,
                            CanvasPanel canvas,
                            ColorChooserPanel colorChooser)
        Constructs a frame with the underlying components given. This will also generate a JTalkerMenuBar associated with the underlying components. This class is an Initializable, and as such, the init method should be called for ensuring the frame is actually ready to do the work that it was intended to do.
        coloredText - The colored text panel.
        textEntry - The text entry panel.
        canvas - The canvas panel.
        colorChooser - The color chooser panel.
      • JTalkerFrame

        public JTalkerFrame()
        Constructs a frame with brand new underlying components.
    • Method Detail

      • init

        public void init()
        Initializes the sub-components and then itself. This will set everything in its correct position, ensuring dimensions for the canvas and scaling for the chat panel (to ensure that the canvas doesn't change size). The menu bar will have all of its functionality set up, as well as the frames specific dimensions and functionality as well. The dimensions as of now are found at the width and height values in the GUIConstants class. However, this will not make the frame visible.
        Specified by:
        init in interface Initializable