Interface Initializable

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    CanvasPanel, ColorChooserPanel, JTalkerFrame, JTalkerMenuBar, TCPClient, TCPClientInstance, TCPServer, TextEntryPanel

    public interface Initializable
    Describes an object that must call init before the object can be used. This interface serves as a tag and a methodology: in order for an object to be used, it must be initialized. However, some work (like waiting for a thread to start) must not be used within the constructor. Therefore, this interface provides a way for an object to say "I can be a placeholder, but I haven't been initialized yet". As such, the constructor of the object MUST NOT call the init method. However, we have no such way of checking this, so please consider this as a methodological coding style.
    C. William Oswald
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • init

        void init()
        Finishes the construction (or initialization) of an object. This is obviously implementation dependent, but MUST NOT be called within the constructor of a class.